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         UW Madison "Cow" rocket lifting off                                

2024-2025 Space Grant (in-the-)Midwest High-Power Rocketry Competition - the "High-Thrust Challenge"

IMPORTANT: A Notice of Intent to Compete form (non-binding) must be filed by 9/15/2024. No late entries.

A general announcement is posted below. A competition handbook will be posted by 9/9/2024. More details provided at informational videocon held at 7 p.m. Central Time on 9/9/24 (and repeated at 7 p.m. Central Time on 1/9/2025).

The Minnesota Space Grant Consortium (MnSGC) announces its intention to run the Space Grant (in-the-)Midwest High-Power Rocketry Competition. The fly-off will be held in Minnesota, but this competition is open to college/university student teams from across the nation during the 2024-2025 academic year. This competition is an opportunity for students to design and construct high-power rockets to be launched in May 2025 from a Tripoli high-power rocket club launch site just north of Minneapolis.

2024-2025 “High-Thrust Challenge” (summary description)
Student teams will design and construct single-motor, single-stage, high-power rocket(s) and fly twice during the competition. This year the challenges are:
(A) have the first flight (may be single-deploy or dual-deploy) go to exactly 1000 feet above ground level on an H550 motor and
(B) have the second flight (must be dual-deploy) go as high as possible on an H550 motor and
(C) have both flights carry a “non-commercial” (i.e. not sold for rocketry) data-logging sensor suite and use it to deduce altitude, speed, and acceleration during ascent, all as a function of time (not just maximum values), in at least three independent ways (barometric pressure, acceleration, gps) at as high a sampling frequency as possible, then analyze the pros and cons of the different approaches (see more details in handbook).
All competition flights will use an AeroTech H550ST-14A (high-thrust) DMS motor. Bonus points will be given to (1) teams whose member(s) increase their certification level(s) using individually-built rockets (in parallel with the (team-built) competition rocket(s)), (2) teams that also implement a 2-pressure-sensor pitot tube system as a fourth performance characterization approach, and (3) teams that do both flights using a single rocket – internal modifications (parachute, ballast, etc.) are allowed between flights, but not external modifications (to merit bonus points in this category). Additional details about the competition are included in a handbook, including due dates and report content/page limits. Note: All fabrication work on the rocket(s), except for possibly machining of plastic and/or metal parts, must be performed by students.

Logistical questions may be directed to James Flaten, MN Space Grant, U of MN,
Technical questions may be directed to Gary Stroick, Tripoli MN,



•    Kick-off/informational videocon: Monday, Sept. 9, 2024 (repeated Thursday, Jan. 9, 2025) from 7 to 8 p.m. CST (contact James Flaten,, for call-in information)

•    Submit a (Non-binding) “Notice of Intent to Compete” and test-flight motor order (probably one or more H550 motors) by Sept. 15, 2024 (this deadline applies even to schools that plan to form their team later than Sept. 15, 2024)

•    A non-refundable $400 Team Registration Fee is due by Jan. 31, 2025, just over $100 of which will be applied toward the purchase of two AeroTech H550 DMS competition motors

•    In-person Competition Dates: Presentations & Safety Checks on Saturday, 5/17/25* (mid-afternoon & evening); flights on Sunday, 5/18/25* (all day, plus an evening banquet (even if we have not flown))

•    Alternate (weather-delay) Flight Date: Monday, 5/19/25* (as long as needed)


* If Minnesota has a particularly wet spring and the launch site clearly will not be useable by mid-May, the competition dates might need to shift. This will be announced in as far in advance as is practical. See details in handbook.


    - Announcement of Competition (circulated August 31, 2023):
    - Handbook for Competition (v5 posted 2/10/2025 - emphasized that Draft of Design(s) includes simulation files; no new content):
    - Slides and link to recording from Informational Videocon on 9/9/2024 (repeat one in Jan. 2025 not posted)
    - "Notice of Intent to Compete" Form (including motor order) (due Sept. 15, 2024 - send form by e-mail to James Flaten, MN Space Grant,

   - Reports by a past year's winning team (UMD) - optional reading

   - NEW Training video (84 minutes): Tips about (a) transitioning from model to high-power rocketry, (b) surviving high-thrust motors and building minimum-diameter rockets (note: minimum diameter is not required for this competition, but it is worth knowing how to do it), and (c) general and rocketry-specific safety

   - Instructions for paying the $400 registration fee (and, separately, for other motors) - due Jan. 31, 2025 (posted 12/2/2024)

   - "Declaration of Competition Attendance" Template (due by ~Feb. 10, 2025) - submit by e-mail to James Flaten (posted 1/13/2025)

   - Information about hotels and camping options, plus stores (like hardware stores) and other "local attractions" (coming early in 2025)

Last Modified: 2025-02-10 at 19:41:46 -- this is in International Standard Date and Time Notation