MnSGC Undergraduate Student Scholarship Application Information
To: Undergraduate Students of Engineering, Mathematics, and/or Science
From: NASA'S Minnesota Space Grant Consortium (MnSGC) program office
Re: MnSGC Undergraduate Scholarships
Below are instructions to apply for a MnSGC Undergraduate Scholarship. (Please note that awards can only be given to U.S. citizens.)
To apply, fill out the student information form (download below) and also provide the following documents:
- A recent college transcript (an unofficial copy is acceptable).
- A letter of intent (one page, typed, double-spaced) describing your educational and career goals and how they relate, directly or indirectly, to NASA's Vision for Space Exploration and to NASA's interest in increasing diversity in the STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) workforce. (To read more about what NASA has done, is currently doing, and hopes to do in the future, follow the "About NASA" link at
- A letter of recommendation from a college professor or academic advisor.
Application deadlines vary from campus to campus within the consortium, so contact the MnSGC faculty representative at your school (see MnSGC Affiliate Contact webpage) for more details. The U of MN - Twin Cities typically collects applications early in the spring semester, for awards to be used in the spring.
The next deadline for
MnSGC scholarship applications for U of MN - Twin
Cities students will be one week into spring
semester - Tuesday, January 24, 2017.
Scholarship recipients will be chosen from among those applicants who have been very successful in their past educational endeavors (typically the GPA cutoff is 3.0 on a 4.0 scale but we will consider applicants with somewhat lower GPA's who are particularly strong in other areas) and whose area of study and career goals are related to NASA's interests in space science/engineering. Student applicants must be registered full-time at one of the MnSGC Affiliate Member schools and must be U.S. citizens. For additional details, please refer to the MnSGC Affiliate Contact webpage for the faculty representative at your school.
Please note that emphasis is placed on applicants who share areas of interest with NASA. Therefore, applications from potential practitioners in the health, medical, and veterinary fields are not sought unless their career goals can clearly be identified as supporting NASA's mission.
Send completed applications to the MnSGC affiliate director at your school. U. of M. students and consortium-wide applicants should send their materials to the MN Space Grant Office, Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, 107 Akerman Hall, 110 Union St. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455.
For more information, please call the MN Space Grant Office (612) 626-9295, or send e-mail to .
Begin your application by completing a student information form (which also lists fields of study):
Student Information Form with Fields of Study: Adobe Acrobat PDF format.
Same form in MS Word format.
Last Modified: 2017-01-11 at 11:40:48 -- this is in International Standard Date and Time Notation