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Ballooning Teacher Workshop -- July 26 to 29, 2010 with school flights planned for May 2011 and May 2012

Lead Instructor: James Flaten, MN Space Grant

Workshop flier.
Spreadsheet with e-mail addresses for people involved in this project.
Modified May 2011!  Stack assignments -- which 3 schools fly together on Thursday, May 19, and on Saturday, May 21 (weather permitting).

Minnesota Education Standards documents
Science standards 2009 with ballooning connections highlighted
Math standards 2007

Paul Verhage introductory articles about high-altitude ballooning in "Nuts and Volts"
Part 1 -- February 2004
Part 2 -- March 2004
So popular he went back and wrote "Part 0" -- April 2004

Photo-documents about soldering components
Building a Heater Circuit
Soldering 101 (AKA Learn to Solder -- Theory)
Building a Flasher Circuit (AKA Learn to Solder -- Practice)
Building a BalloonSat Easy Flight Computer
Building a NearSys Weather Station

How-To documents for data analysis
How to analyze StratoStar tracking data
Sample raw StratoStar data file
How to analyze BalloonSat Easy sensor data
Sample raw BSE sensor data file
How to analyze HOBO sensor data
Sample raw HOBO sensor data file
How to analyze APRS tracking data

How-To documents for using flight hardware
How to use a HOBO data logger (Paul)
How to use a BalloonSat Easy flight computer (Hansen)
How to use a Canon programmable still camera and a Flip video camera (Hladun)

Curriculum documents (many in draft form)
Teacher Overview of High-altitude Ballooning (Flaten)
Teacher Overview of High-altitude Ballooning -- text only -- much smaller file (Flaten)
Photos of Main Payload Components (Flaten)
Building a Basic Payload Box (Grimm)
Snap-Together Heater Activity, with Photos (Flaten version)
Snap-Together Heater Activity, with Photos (Mantych version)
Testing Payloads (Mantych)
Geocaching Activity (Flaten)
Flight Prediction Activity (Flaten)
Setting up a Control Center and Doing Live APRS Plotting in Flight (Flaten)
Excel spreadsheet to go along with APRS Live Plotting Activity (Flaten)
Interpreting Graphs from Near Space Missions (Flaten)

Student Surveys (to be administered pre-instruction and post-activity)
Student STEM Attitude Survey
Student Ballooning Content Knowledge Survey


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