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High-Altitude Ballooning Workshop -- August 2013

Primary Instructor: Dr. James Flaten

MN Space Grant Consortium

U of MN Aerospace Engineering Department

Agenda and main (title) slides from August 6, 2013:
Workshop agenda
Workshop main slides

Paul Verhage introductory articles about high-altitude ballooning in "Nuts and Volts"
Part 1 -- February 2004
Part 2 -- March 2004
So popular he went back and wrote "Part 0" -- April 2004

Paper about Freshman Ballooning Seminar for ASEE Conference, Atlanta, June 2013:
Paper #7457 for Atlanta ASEE conference

J. Flaten general documents about ballooning (some for another teacher workshop):

Teacher Overview of High-altitude Ballooning
Interpreting Graphs from Near Space Missions
Flight Prediction Activity

Sample data files -- some raw, some with screenshots, some with plots:
HOBO with ext. temp. sensor from GL62 (raw csv file -- readable by Excel)
HOBO with ext. temp. sensor from GL62 (analyzed, with plots)
Accelerometer from GL62 (raw csv file -- readable by Excel)
Accelerometer from GL62 (analyzed, with plots)
aprs tracking data from GL63A (screenshot and raw data from internet (
aprs tracking data from GL63A (data scrubbed, analyzed, with plots)
aprs tracking data from GL63A (3-D version, readable by Google Earth)
aprs tracking data from GL63A&B (comparison screenshot from Google Earth)
PocketFinder tracking from GL61 (screenshots)
StratoSAT tracking and command pod data (no zigbees) from GL61 (raw csv file -- readable by Excel)
StratoSAT tracking and command pod data (no zigbees) from GL61 (analyzed, with plots)

List of materials and vendors (text) and spreadsheet with (some) prices for the items we use when doing ballooning
Ballooning materials list (MS Word)
Ballooning materials spreadsheet (note multiples pages) (Excel)

Arduino Packages -- "Simple UNO", "More-complex MEGA", and "Super UNO"
This folder contains an introduction, Powerpoint slides and code for the 3 Arduino packages we built, plus Arduino libraries and sensor documentation.

Data archive for GopherLaunch 68A (small balloon) and GL68B (big balloon):
Photos from workshop (contributions welcome)
Photos and video from the GL68AB launches and recoveries (contributions welcome)
GopherLaunch 68A (small/first balloon) -- Payload Z data archive (includes look-down video)
GopherLaunch 68B (large/second balloon -- Payload X, Y, and camera box data archive (includes look-out and look-up videos)

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