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Data from a High-Altitude Balloon Flight

GopherLaunch 71 (Sunday, Oct. 6, 2013)

James Flaten, MN Space Grant, U of MN -- Twin Cities

Trajectory predictions for GopherLaunch 71 (MS Word)
Internet screenshots and raw aprs tracking data from GL71 flight (shorter) and St. Kates partner flight (longer) (MS Word)
Aprs tracking spreadsheet for GL71 with Altitude vs Time graph (MS Excel)
Aprs tracking data prepped for Google Earth for GL71 flight (.csv file -- readable by MS Excel)
Google Earth trajectory of GL71 flight (.kmz file generated using
Stratostar tracking and sensor raw data file (MS Excel)
Stratostar tracking and sensor data -- analyzed, with plots (MS Excel)
Ground videos showing inflation, launch, and recovery of GL71
GL71 on-board "look-up" videos showing expanding balloon but ends before burst
GL71 on-board "look-down" videos showing ascent and descent but ends before landing
GL71 on-board "look-out" videos showing launch, full flight, and recovery
Post-flight still photos of the DTMF payload, vent payload, camera payload



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