The movies (MPG format) which may
be viewed on this web site show that solid and liquid substrates may be cleaned
by sucking off polymeric liquids of high molecular weight and that loading
these liquids with small particles greatly enhances this cleaning. The movies
are divided into four parts.
- Particle-laden tubeless siphon. This experiment uses a
piston and cylinder sucking device automated on a MTS machine. The liquid is a
water-based polymer.
- Cleaning of oil contaminated substrate with a commercial
solution of polymer in oil used for oil recovery (Elastol). We demonstrate that
particles enhance the cleaning property.
- Enhancement of oil slick cleaning by adding particles to
- Capillary attraction and self-assembly of small particles
in oil slicks.
Particle-laden tubeless siphon. This experiment uses a
piston and cylinder sucking device automated on a MTS machine. The liquid is a
water-based polymer.
1% Poly (ethylene
oxide) Molecular weight 8 million
80 ml initial volume
Sucking velocity 1.22 in/min
The first
movie is without particles. The siphon breaks before all the polymer is sucked
out the beaker. Every thing is the same with the second movie except that small
particles were added. The cleanup with the particle-laden siphon is complete.
Complete cleaning with particles.
Diameter 850 micron 4% by volume
Neutrally buoyant
In the case when no
particles are present one can monitor the volume of liquid left behind after
the siphon breaks as a function of the rate of suction (the velocity of the
piston). The suction fraction F, defined as the of the volume sucked
out to the initial volume, increases as 5.71 power of the velocity. At a high
enough velocity one gets complete cleanup, even when no particles are
Cleaning oil contaminated solid substrate with Elastol and Elastol plus
particles. We use a handheld piston in a cylinder sucking
device to demonstrate the principles. There are 5 parts.
- Oil is in the beaker. We cannot suck it out.
- We add a small amount of Elastol to the oil.
- We pull out the Elastol and oil but the bottom of the beaker
is slightly soiled with oil.
- We add particles to the Elastol plus oil. The particles are
submillimeter and nearly neutrally buoyant; nothing special.
- We pull out the Elastol, oil and particle mixture. The bottom
of the beaker is cleaned.
spill remediation. In the first experiment we lay down an oil
- Motor oil on water in a petrie dish.
- We cannot suck out all the oil with our sucking device,
because the oil breaks.
- We add Elastol; it mixes with the oil.
- We can pull out the mixture, but a little slick is
- We add particles to the mixture.
- We pull out the oil-Elastol-particle mixture. It cleans up
nicely, better than when there are no particles.
Capillary attraction and self-assembly of small particles in
oil slicks.
- The dispersion and self-assembly of sands in water.
- Capillary attraction and self-assembly of particles in the
oil-Elastol mixture. The phenomenon here is possibly fundamental to the
improved performance of the particle-laden mixture.