Research associate
Akerman Hall, room 230, UofM TwinCities campus
110, Union St. S.E., Minneapolis MN 55455, USA
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Curriculum Vitae:
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E-mail alias:
nompelis (umn.edu)
22C0 3D77 BF5B A703 9F76 B545 5055 1FC7 A05E B928
University of Minnesota, 2004
Winona State University, 1998
Research interests
Fluid mechanics
Compressible Flow
High Temperature Gas Physics / Thermodynamics
Rarefied gas flows
Computational fluid dynamics of nonequilibrium reacting flows
Computational physics
Numerical analysis of differential equations
Algorithm development
Direct Simulation Monte-Carlo (DSMC)
Parallel Computing
Scientific visualization
Current research & teaching focus
Presently, I am working on advancing numerical methods for continuum
simulations, particle-based and hybrid methods in aerothermodynamics with
professors G.V. Candler and T. Schwartzentruber.
The research focus is in hypersonics, aerothermodynamics, advanced simulation
of hypersonic flows, ablation, numerical methods, chemical kinetics and
computational physics.
I am part of a project led by professors D.Gebre-Egziabher, E.Longmire,
J.Mueller, and G.V. Candler
to develop HyCUBE (the Hypersonic Configurable-Unit Ballastic Experiment),
a concept platform for performing a multitude of experimental measurements
during hypersonic re-entry using miniature spacecraft.
Previously, I taught the graduate level and upper undergraduate level
Computational Fluid Mechanics (AEM 5251) in the Autumn 2011 & 2012
After having architected the prototype, I am presently a contributor to the
baseline computational tool used by prof. Candler's group members and
collaborators, US3D. The software is presently maintained by Dr. Heath Johnson
and has been commercially available through the Univ. of Minnesota's
Office of Technology Commercialization (OTC).
I have authored and I am presently maintaining the next generation massively
parallel DSMC solver for prof. Schwartzentruber's group (MGDS v2).
I am continuing a decades-long collaboration
with Dr. Matt MacLean & Dr. Michael Holden of CUBRC in a joint experimental
and computational program for code validation. I am a participant of the
NATO RTO AVT activities on computational tools/methods readiness assesements
and a reviewer of several journals in aeronautics & computational sciences.
Some Old Technical Papers (offline)
Candler, G.V., Subbareddy, P., Nompelis, I.,
"A Decoupled Implicit Method for Aerothermodynamics and Reacting Flows,"
To appear in the AIAA Journal (late 2012).
Knight, et al.,
"Assessment of CFD Capability for Prediction of Hypersonic Shock Interactions,"
Progress in Aerospace Sciences, Jan. 2012.
Nompelis, I., Bender, J., and Candler, G.V.,
"Preconditioning for Parallel Implicit Solvers
for Hypersonic Flow Simulations on Unstructured Meshes,"
In preparation.
Nompelis, I., Wan, T., and Candler, G.V.,
"Performance Comparisons of Parallel Implicit Solvers
for Hypersonic Flow Computations on Unstructured Meshes,"
In preparation.
Druguet, M.-C., G.V. Candler, and I. Nompelis,
"Effect of Numerics on Navier-Stokes Computations of Hypersonic Double-Cone
Flows," AIAA Journal , Vol. 43, No. 3, pp. 616-623, March 2005.
Nompelis, I., G. V. Candler, and M. S. Holden,
"Effect of Vibrational Nonequilibrium on Hypersonic Double-Cone
Experiments," AIAA Journal, Vol. 41, No. 11, pp. 2162-2169, Nov. 2003.
Druguet, M.-C., Candler, G.V., and Nompelis, I.,
"Simulations of Viscous Hypersonic Double-Cone Flows: Influence of
Numerics," AIAA Paper No. 2003-3548, June 2003.
Nompelis, I., Candler, G.V., Holden, M.S., and Wadhams, T.P.,
"Real Gas Effects on Hypersonic Shock Wave Laminar Boundary Layer
Interactions," AIAA Paper No.~2003-0443, Jan. 2003.
Druguet, M.-C., G.V. Candler, and I. Nompelis,
"Navier-Stokes Computations of Hypersonic Double-Cone Flows: Influence
of Numerics," West-East High Speed Flow
Fields, D.E. Zeitoun, J. Periaux, L.D. Desideri, M. Marini (Eds.),
CIMNE, Barcelona, 2002.
Nompelis, I., and G.V. Candler, "Computational Investigation
of High Enthalpy Flows Past a Finite Cylinder," West-East High Speed Flow
Fields, D.E. Zeitoun, J. Periaux, L.D. Desideri, M. Marini (Eds.),
CIMNE, Barcelona, 2002.
Some Old Technical Papers (offline)
Nompelis, I., Drayna, T.,W., and Candler, G.V., "A Parallel Unstructured
Implicit Solver for Reacting Flow Simulation,"
AIAA Paper No. 2005-4867, June 2005.
Nompelis, I., Candler, G.V., MacLean, M., Wadhams, T.P., and Holden, M.S.,
"Numerical Investigation of High Enthalpy Chemistry on Hypersonic
Double-Cone Experiments," AIAA Paper No. 2005-0584, Jan. 2005.
Nompelis, I., Drayna, T.,W., and Candler, G.V., "Development
of a Hybrid Unstructured Implicit Solver for the Simulations of Reacting
Flows Over Complex Geometries," AIAA Paper No. 2004-2227, June 2004.
Nompelis, I., Candler, G.V., Wadhams, T.P., and Holden, M.S.,
"Numerical Simulation of High-Enthalpy Experiments in the LENS-X
Expansion Tube Facility," AIAA Paper No. 2004-1000, Jan.2004.
Nompelis, I., Candler, G.V., Holden, M.S., and Wadhams, T.P.,
"Computational Investigation of Hypersonic Viscous/Inviscid Interactions
in High Enthalpy Flows," AIAA Paper No. 2003-3642, June 2003.
Online Items
(You are probably looking for this.)
Ph.D. Thesis (PDF)
Please note that I have edentified some errors in the thesis. The errors
are minor but I am planning to post a list here.
My personal Twitter profile
Opinions are my own, and should be promptly disregarded!
TecPlot formating with tecio.a
Example Fortran code to make native Tecplot files from raw code.
My GitHub repository
Several repositories with utilities and software in C/C++ and Fortran.
Functioning software includes a Fluent case-file reader/parser with examples,
a TecPlot ASCII data reader/parser (coming up) and an OpenGL/Xlib application
skeleton for quick graphical software prototyping.
Nompelis's MPI hacks, tricks and useful knowledge
This is a collection of information and software that is related to parallel
computing specifically for the Message Passing Interface (MPI). It is a small
collection of items that have been useful to me. In addition, look in my
Github repository.
Google+ profile for Ioannis Nompelis
This page was created when Google took over the UMN e-mail service.
LinkedIn profile for Ioannis Nompelis (professional connections)
Boulder Pledge:
"Under no circumstances will I ever purchase anything offered to
me as the result of an unsilicited e-mail message. Nor will I forward chain
letters, petitions, mass mailings, or virus warnings to large numbers of
others. This is my contribution to the survival of the online community."
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