MOT 5001 -- New Course

Fri Apr 22 09:37:00 2011

Approvals Received:
on 04-21-11
by Damian Damiani
Approvals Pending: College/Dean  > Catalog
Effective Status: Active
Effective Term: 1105 - Summer 2010
Course: MOT 5001
UMNTC - Twin Cities
UMNTC - Twin Cities
Career: GRAD
College: TIOT - Institute of Technology
Department: 11075 - IT TLI Mgmt of Technology
Course Title Short: Ldrsh Mgmt_Dvl Research Scient
Course Title Long: Leadership and Management Development for Research Scientists
Max-Min Credits
for Course:
2.0 to 2.0 credit(s)
Provides graduate students (and advanced UGs) interested in careers in research with a working knowledge of business functions, strategies for development of leadership and team building skills and career progression planning. The content and experiential learning approach are designed to reflect challenges faced by scientific professionals.
Print in Catalog?: Yes
CCE Catalog
<no text provided>
Grading Basis: A-F only
Topics Course: No
Honors Course: No
Delivery Mode(s): Classroom
Contact Hours:
2.0 hours per week
Years most
frequently offered:
Every academic year
Term(s) most
frequently offered:
Fall, Spring, Summer
Component 1: LEC (with final exam)
Progress Units:
Not allowed to bypass limits.
2.0 credit(s)
Financial Aid
Progress Units:
Not allowed to bypass limits.
2.0 credit(s)
Repetition of
Repetition not allowed.
for Catalog:
<no text provided>
No course equivalencies
No required consent
(course-based or
No prerequisites
Editor Comments: <no text provided>
Proposal Changes: <no text provided>
History Information: <no text provided>
Sponsor Name:
Tess Surprenant
Sponsor E-mail Address:
Liberal Education
this course fulfills:
Other requirement
this course fulfills:
Criteria for
Core Courses:
Describe how the course meets the specific bullet points for the proposed core requirement. Give concrete and detailed examples for the course syllabus, detailed outline, laboratory material, student projects, or other instructional materials or method.

Core courses must meet the following requirements:

  • They explicitly help students understand what liberal education is, how the content and the substance of this course enhance a liberal education, and what this means for them as students and as citizens.
  • They employ teaching and learning strategies that engage students with doing the work of the field, not just reading about it.
  • They include small group experiences (such as discussion sections or labs) and use writing as appropriate to the discipline to help students learn and reflect on their learning.
  • They do not (except in rare and clearly justified cases) have prerequisites beyond the University's entrance requirements.
  • They are offered on a regular schedule.
  • They are taught by regular faculty or under exceptional circumstances by instructors on continuing appointments. Departments proposing instructors other than regular faculty must provide documentation of how such instructors will be trained and supervised to ensure consistency and continuity in courses.

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Criteria for
Theme Courses:
Describe how the course meets the specific bullet points for the proposed theme requirement. Give concrete and detailed examples for the course syllabus, detailed outline, laboratory material, student projects, or other instructional materials or methods.

Theme courses have the common goal of cultivating in students a number of habits of mind:
  • thinking ethically about important challenges facing our society and world;
  • reflecting on the shared sense of responsibility required to build and maintain community;
  • connecting knowledge and practice;
  • fostering a stronger sense of our roles as historical agents.

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Writing Intensive
Propose this course
as Writing Intensive
Question 1: What types of writing (e.g., reading essay, formal lab reports, journaling) are likely to be assigned? Include the page total for each writing assignment. Indicate which assignment(s) students will be required to revise and resubmit after feedback by the instructor or the graduate TA.

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Question 2: How does assigning a significant amount of writing serve the purpose of this course?

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Question 3: What types of instruction will students receive on the writing aspect of the assignments?

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Question 4: How will the students' grades depend on their writing performance? What percentage of the overall grade will be dependent on the quality and level of the students' writing compared with the course content?

<no text provided>
Question 5: If graduate students or peer tutors will be assisting in this course, what role will they play in regard to teaching writing?

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Question 6: How will the assistants be trained and supervised?

<no text provided>
Question 7: Write up a sample assignment handout here for a paper that students will revise and resubmit after receiving feedback on the initial draft.

<no text provided>
Course Syllabus
Course Syllabus: For new courses and courses in which changes in content and/or description and/or credits are proposed, please provide a syllabus that includes the following information: course goals and description; format;structure of the course (proposed number of instructor contact hours per week, student workload effort per week, etc.); topics to be covered; scope and nature of assigned readings (text, authors, frequency, amount per week); required course assignments; nature of any student projects; and how students will be evaluated. The University "Syllabi Policy" can be found here

The University policy on credits is found under Section 4A of "Standards for Semester Conversion" found here. Course syllabus information will be retained in this system until new syllabus information is entered with the next major course modification. This course syllabus information may not correspond to the course as offered in a particular semester.

(Please limit text to about 12 pages. Text copied and pasted from other sources will not retain formatting and special characters might not copy properly.)

Leading Innovation Teams in Science and Healthcare
        MOT 5001 -- Summer 2011

Instructor: Tess Surprenant

Course Overview

MOT 5001 is designed to provide graduate students in the Colleges of Pharmacy and IT with a working knowledge of the broader healthcare ecosystem and business context within which scientific research is translated into commercial applications that address consumer health needs and deliver economic value to a firm.  The course will broaden students� business knowledge and personal leadership abilities, enabling technical professionals to increase their personal effectiveness leading cross-functional innovation teams in pharmaceutical and healthcare environments. This course will establish a base of knowledge in leadership, organization, and innovation dynamics along with practical skills in personal leadership, professionalism, effective communication, business fundamentals, and the process of commercial innovation. The course content and experiential learning approach are designed to reflect the requirements and challenges scientific professionals need to master in order to thrive in collaborative, cross-functional innovation teams in the healthcare environment.

Katz, Ralph (2004).  The Human Side of Managing Technological Innovation (2nded.).  New York: Oxford University Press.

A course packet of cases and articles is included in the required reading for this course.   These articles are listed below in the week-by-week course outline.

Web Documents (Available on-line.  Links are provided in Web Vista.)
Several on-line documents are included in the required reading for this course.  These documents and their respective web addresses are included below in the weekly summary.

WebVista (formerly WebCT)
This course will use WebVista for posting in-class presentations, project assignments, instructor materials, and related course resources.  Once enrolled, you will have access via your my portal.  For log-in instructions go to:

Leading Innovation Teams in Science and Healthcare
        MOT 5001 -- Fall 2010

Contacting the Instructor

Because I have a � time appointment at the University of Minnesota and a � time role with Agilent Technologies, I typically am on campus Wednesday afternoons through Friday each  week. I am available after class meetings, in my office (Suite 510, Office 504, in the West Bank Office Building) Wednesday afternoons through Friday, or by appointment.  The best way to reach me for questions or to schedule an office appointment is via email (;, my office phone (612-626-9246), or in person after class.  If you have an urgent need to reach me when I am not on campus, my cell phone is 612-454-9667.

Course Requirements
1.        Attend all classes. If you must miss a class, please let me know and (1) make arrangements with other group members for a summary and review, (2) do some additional work that will benefit your team.
2.        Read all assigned materials by the assigned date.  Teams often will be at a disadvantage if their members have not completed the assigned reading prior to class.
3.        Actively participate in class discussions and team activities.
4.        Satisfactorily complete two knowledge tests and present all three team deliverables on time.
5.        Take responsibility for your learning.  If you need help from classmates or the instructor, seek it out.  If you have constructive feedback for your classmates or the instructor, offer it in a timely and thoughtful manner.
6.        Follow scholastic conduct policy (See Office for Student Conduct and Academic Integrity (OSCAI) at
If you have special learning needs, please bring documentation from Disability Services and contact me to make suitable arrangements.


Grades will be based on five components outlined below and will be determined on a relative performance basis (i.e., class curve).  

Components of Course Grade        Percentage of Grade
Test #1
Test #2
3 Team Project Deliverables + Presentations
(#1=10%; #2=10%, #3=15%)
Class Participation & Contribution

Class will be held once per week, on Wednesday afternoons, from 3:35-5:30 p.m. in Room XXX.  Reading assignments should be completed on or before the week they are listed on the syllabus.

Leading Innovation Teams in Science and Healthcare
        MOT 5001 -- Fall 2010

Week 1        Introduction to the Course / Getting Started

Week 2        (a) Healthcare Context 1:  The Challenge of Innovation in Healthcare
�        Herzlinger, Regina E. (2006).  Why innovation in Health Care is So Hard. Harvard Business Review, May 2006.
�        Case:  TBD
        (b) Personal Accountability and Effectiveness
�        Drucker, Peter F. (2005). Managing oneself.  Harvard Business Review, Vol. 83, Issue 1.

Week 3        (a) Healthcare Context 2:  Framework for Innovating in Healthcare
�        Case:  Regina E. Herzlinger, �Innovating in Health Care�Framework,� HBS No. 9-306-042.  Boston:  Harvard Business School Publishing, 2005.
        (b) Understanding and Managing Team Dynamics
�        Read the following on-line articles:
        (1) Working on Teams: Using the Stages of Team Development (4 pages) at
        (2) Working on Teams:  Important Steps When Building a New Team (5 pages) at
        (3) Basic Guide to Conducting Effective Meetings (4 pages) at
        (4) Fast Company:  The Seven Sins of Deadly Meetings (6 pages) at

Week 4        (a) Healthcare Context 3:  Case TBD
�        Case:  TBD
        (b) Feedback and Presentation Skills
�        Phoel, Cynthia (2006). Feedback that works. Harvard Management Update, September 2006.
�        Hackley, Susan (2005). How to say what matters most. Harvard Business School Newsletter: Negotiation, August 2005.
�        Read on-line article:  Making effective oral presentations (10 pages) at

Week 5        Team Project #1:  Presentations & Discussion
�        �Submit Team Project Deliverable #1 at beginning of class
�        �Each team has15 minutes for their presentation / discussion   

Leading Innovation Teams in Science and Healthcare
        MOT 5001 -- Fall 2010

Week 6        Business Design and Finance Fundamentals
�        Drucker, Peter F. (2001).  What is our business? Executive Excellence, June 2001.
�        Read on-line articles:  
(1) The business model at
        (2) The bottom line on margins at       

Week 7        Motivation and Leadership of Technical Professionals
�        Read Katz: Section 1 (pages 1-117)

Week 8        (a) Test #1
        (b) Leadership Roles in the Innovation Process
�        Read Katz: Section 3 (pages 215-282)

Week 9        Management of Innovative Groups and Project Teams
�        Read Katz: Section 2 (pages 121-211)

Week 10        Team Project #2:  Presentations & Discussion
�        Submit Team Project Deliverable #2 at beginning of class
�        Each team has15 minutes for their presentation / discussion   

Week 11        Intellectual Property Fundamentals
�        Iandiorio, Joseph S. (2004).  Intellectual property.  The Portable MBA in Entrepreneurship, Chapter 10, pages 311-349.

Week 12        Managing Innovative Climates in Organizations
�        Read Katz: Section 4 (pages 405-493)

Week 13        Managing the Innovation Process in Organization
�        Read Katz: Section 7 (pages 599-710)

Week 14        Personal Leadership Assessment & Development Planning
�        Goleman, Daniel (2004). What makes a leader? Harvard Business Review, January 2004.
�        Complete Assessment Instrument (TBD)

Final Exam       
        Test #2 During Assigned Finals Week Time Period
Strategic Objectives & Consultation
Name of Department Chair
<no text provided>
Strategic Objectives -
Curricular Objectives:
How does adding this course improve the overall curricular objectives ofthe unit?

<no text provided>
Strategic Objectives - Core
Does the unit consider this course to be part of its core curriculum?

<no text provided>
Strategic Objectives -
Consultation with Other
In order to prevent course overlap and to inform other departments of new curriculum, circulate proposal to chairs in relevant units and follow-up with direct consultation. Please summarize response from units consulted and include correspondence. By consultation with other units, the information about a new course is more widely disseminated and can have a positive impact on enrollments. The consultation can be as simple as an email to the department chair informing them of the course and asking for any feedback from the faculty.

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