Professor Richard James: Atomistically Inspired Origami
(c) Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures - Hooke Lecture
Professor Richard James will be presenting a lecture, 'Atomistically Inspired Origami,' with Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures - Hooke Lecture on Tuesday, June 26, 2018 from 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. CDT.
The lecture is open for public viewing and will be livestreamed on the Oxford University Podcasts page. Click "Get Notified" on their Podcast site to receive a notification when the lecture starts.
The World population is growing at about 80 million per year. As time goes by, there is necessarily less space per person. Perhaps this is why the scientific community seems to be obsessed with folding things. In this lecture Professor James presents a mathematical approach to “rigid folding” inspired by the way atomistic structures form naturally - their features at a molecular level imply desirable features for macroscopic structures as well, especially 4D structures. Origami structures even suggest an unusual way to look at the Periodic Table.
According to their website, "Oxford Mathematics Public lectures enable anyone with an interest in the subject to see the best mathematicians in action and to share their pleasure (and occasional pain). They are aimed at the General Public, schools and anyone who just wants to come along and hear a bit more about what maths is really about...If you can't be here in person you can always view online. All our lectures are now broadcast live on our Facebook page and they are also subsequently available via our YouTube page."
Visit their events page for more information on Professor James' lecture as well as a list of all of Oxford Mathematics public lectures and interviews online.