AEM student team prepares to fly stratospheric balloons into total solar eclipse
On August 21, 2017, a solar eclipse will sweep across the continental United States from Oregon to South Carolina. In an effort to live stream video from the stratosphere to the internet in real time during this eclipse, over 50 ballooning teams from across 30 states are preparing to launch their stratospheric balloons in the event "Learning at the Edge of Space."
This includes the MN Space Grant Consortium (MnSGC) sponsored Stratospheric Ballooning Team, “Gophernauts,” at the University of Minnesota. In order for the Gophernauts to participate in this life-changing event, funds need to be raised for travel, practice launches, and part replacement. Please help support our team by contributing here.
Last Modified: 2017-06-08 at 15:01:40
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