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2015-2016 Space Grant Midwest High-Power Rocketry Competition

The Minnesota Space Grant Consortium (MnSGC) announces its intention to run a Space Grant Midwest High-Power Rocket Competition (formerly called the Space Grant Great Midwest Regional Rocket Competition and previously run by the Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium) during the 2015-2016 academic year. This competition is an opportunity for teams of college students to design and construct high-power rockets to be launched in May of 2016 from a Tripoli MN launch site near Minneapolis, MN.

In this competition student teams will design and construct a high-power rocket with an active drag system that will reach an apogee of at least 3000 ft above ground level and be recovered safely and in flyable condition, predict its flight performance (both with and without the drag system engaged), and construct a non-commercial on-board data collection package for the rocket that will characterize its coefficient of drag over time and use an on-board video camera to document the state of the drag system (e.g. engaged/deployed, disengaged/retracted).

Logistical questions may be directed to James Flaten, MN Space Grant, U of MN,
Technical questions may be directed to Gary Stroick, Tripoli MN,






1. September 22, 2015, 7 to 8 p.m. CST (repeated January 21, 2016, 7 to 8 p.m. CST): Informational telecon -- contact James Flaten for call-in information
October 1, 2015: Obtain own state's Space Grant "sponsorship" and submit "Notice of Intent to Compete" letter
January 29, 2016: $400 Registration Fee due (must pay more (later) if two motors cost over $100 total) (registration payment instructions now posted)
3'.  January 31, 2015: Date by which all judges should be identified.  Each state sponsoring more than one team needs to provide ONE judge.  States may bring one from their state or work with Gary Stroick to identify a local person to serve this role.
4. May 15-16, 2016 (Sunday/Monday): (Afternoon/evening) oral presentations and safety checks then (all-day) launch competition then evening social event
5. May 17, 2016 (Tuesday): Alternate (rain) launch date

Document archive for 2015-2016 "Active Drag" competition

Announcement of Competition (posted August 30, 2015):

Handbook for Competition (posted August 30, 2015):

Slides for Informational Telecon (posted September 22, 2015):

Q and A from Informational Telecon:
"Notice of Intent to Compete" Template (due Oct. 1, 2015, mail form to James Flaten at

Reports by last year's winning team (from U of MN - Duluth) - optional reading:

Instructions for paying the $400 Registration fee, due January 29, 2016:

"Notice of Competition Attendance" Template (due Feb. 12, 2016, mail form to James Flaten at

Last Modified: 2016-05-03 at 13:54:06 -- this is in International Standard Date and Time Notation