DARPA, managed by the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory:
An Integrated, Multi-Layer Approach to Software-Enabled Control:
Mission Planning to Vehicle Control

Principal Investigator: Professor Gary Balas

Technical Transition: 2000

Provided Boeing with an innovative distributed Matlab/Simulink execution environment. Collaborated with the Boeing team to integrate the environment into the OCP, extending the solution in the areas of computing platform independence, inter-process communications flexibility, and integratability of pluggable simulation components. These contributions will form a key part of the simulation environment that Boeing is delivering on the OCP contract to the SEC research community.

Technical point of contact:

Dr. Jim L. Paunicka,
Phantom Works Division,
The Boeing Company,

Synthesized a flight controller for the Gulfstream V using the LPV techniques developed under the DARPA SEC program as part of the NASA Aviation Safety Control and Upset Management Program. This work is being performed under the Lockheed-Martin AIMSAFE program. NASA and Lockheed-Martin view parameter dependent system theory as a potential unifying approach to on-line health monitoring and identification, fault detection, reconfiguration or adaptation and flight control.

Technical points of contact:

Dr. Rowena Eberhardt,
Lockheed Martin Aerospace,
Ft. Worth, TX, 76101,
rowena.l.eberhardt@lmco.com, and

Dr. Christine Belcastro,
NASA Langley,
Research Center, Mail Stop 161,
Hampton, VA 23681-2199,
757 864-4035,