Propulsor crashback
Boundary layer on hull
Sheet to cloud cavitation
Tip and hub vortices on propeller
Jet in crossflow
Bubbles in boundary layer
Gas turbine combustor
Turbulent combustion
Sonic jet in supersonic crossflow
Roughness-induced supersonic transition
The Computational Fluids Laboratory at the University of Minnesota is headed by Professor Krishnan Mahesh. The laboratory is involved in the computation, analysis, and modeling of turbulent flows. We are very grateful to the ONR, AFOSR, NASA, DOE and NSF for their support of our research. Traditionally, high-fidelity simulation methods like direct numerical and large-eddy simulation have been restricted to fairly simple geometries and flow physics. We are developing numerical methods, turbulence models and simulation tools that are flexible enough to handle multi-physics flows in engineering geometries without compromising the accuracy needed to simulate turbulence. Most of our simulations use unstructured grids on massively parallel computing platforms. We develop our own simulation codes - MPCUGLES being our flagship software. Group members perform hands-on work on developing state-of-the-art algorithms, which they implement into parallel simlation codes and use to perform simulations on some of the largest parallel computers in the country. The simulation results are then examined to elaborate on the underlying flow physics. The MPCUGLES software has the accuracy to perform benchmark calculations of fundamental flows, as well as the flexibility to simulate highly complicated engineering geometries. We conduct research into a variety of applications including: marine propulsors, cavitation, hydroacoustics, superhydrophobic surfaces, supersonic laminar-turbulent transition, supersonic turbulent mixing, fluid/structure interaction, flow control, particle-laden flows and turbulent reacting flows. We are always interested in hiring strong new members to our group. Please contact Professor Mahesh if you are interested.
The laboratory is presently leading a multi-university project on turbulent cavitating flows. Please click here for more information.