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AEM 4796: Professional Experience

Catalog Description

For more information see Internship Program Information



AEM 4796

Professional Experience

3 Credits


Catalog Description:


Work experience with substantive engineering component. Written report.


Course Web Address:


Prerequisites by Topic:


  1. AEM Major
  2. Instructor permission






Format of Course:


Independent Study


Computer Usage:




Course Objectives:


The objectives of this course are to allow students to obtain credit for their engineering internship experience and improve their communication skills and professionalism.


Course Outcomes:


Students who successfully complete the course will demonstrate the following outcomes by a written report:

  1. Communications
  2. Professionalism and ethics


Relationship of course to program objectives:


The course develops fosters the students development as a professional engineer and improves their communications skills.


Relationship of course to program outcomes:


The course provides the following outcomes:


  1. Communications
  2. Professionalism and ethics
  3. Lifelong learning
  4. Contemporary issues
  5. Others – varies with individual experience.


Course Outline:




Outcome Measurement:


Outcomes will be measured through a written report and evaluation by student’s industry sponsor (supervisor).


Student Survey Questions:




Last modified:





Last Modified: 2007-07-24 at 10:04:45 -- this is in International Standard Date and Time Notation