An impromptu birthday celebration on November 9, 2023 at our group meeting. Ashutosh is online from India and Giorgos is online from Greece. Of course, the gift is an bistable origami structure!
Two photos from the summer of 2023 we took during an enjoyable visit from Dr. Vijay Srivastava. Vijay was a postdoc with our group in the early 2010s who made fundamental advances on our understanding of hysteresis and ferromagnetic energy conversion, especially in Heusler alloys. top) Vijay is pictured second from the left with his (math-loving) son, and Vinitendra kindly took the picture, bottom) Vinitendra restored (far right)! Missing are Anjan Singh, Kevin Sheehan and recent postdocs Shoham Sen and Georgios Grekas. Vijay works at GE, where he continues to make fundamental advances in materials science for engine design.