Refereed Coference Proceedings Papers

  1. "Fine-Tuning Language Models on Multiple Datasets for Citation Intention Classification",
    Z. Shui, P.~Karypis, D. S. Karls, M. Wen, S. Mahchanda, E. B. Tadmor and G. Karypis, Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2024, 16718–16732, November, 2024.
    pdf | doi | bibtex

  2. "The Delta Gateway: Exploring Community Use of GPU Resources through a Science Gateway",
    Jay Alameda, Claire Stirm, Gregory Bauer, Timothy Boerner, Brett Bode, Maytal Dahan, William Gropp, Marlon Pierce, Cynthia Yewdall Grigorescu, Michael Zentner, Meghna Babbar-Sebens, Michael Barton, Daniele Bianchi, Michael Bell, Michel Boufadel, Michael Cianfrocco, Sean Cleveland, Cosan Daskiran, Kjiersten Fagnan, Geoffrey Fox, Eleftherios Garyfallidis, Jerome Hajjar, Gerhard Klimeck, Mark Miller, Mark Perri, Victor Pinks II, Mohan Ramamurthy, Michel Regenwetter, Amy Roberts, Aldo Romero, Carol Song, Alejandro Strachan, Ellad Tadmor and Greg Tucker, Gateways 2022 Conference, San Diego, CA, USA, 2022.
    pdf | doi | bibtex

  3. "Injecting Domain Knowledge from Empirical Interatomic Potentials to Neural Networks for Predicting Material Properties",
    Z. Shui, D. S. Karls, M. Wen, I. A. Nikiforov, E. B. Tadmor and G. Karypis, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), Vol. 35, 14839–14851, 2022.
    pdf | bibtex

  4. "Extending OpenKIM with an Uncertainty Quantification Toolkit for Molecular Modeling",
    Y. Kurniawan, M. K. Transtrum, R. S. Elliott, C. L. Petrie, E. B. Tadmor, D. S. Karls and M. Wen, 2022 IEEE 18th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science), 367–377, 2022.
    pdf | doi | bibtex

  5. "HPC Extensions to the OpenKIM Processing Pipeline",
    D. S. Karls, S. M. Clark, B. A. Waters, R. S. Elliott and E. B. Tadmor, 2022 IEEE 18th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science), 278–283, 2022.
    pdf | doi | bibtex

  6. "A Quasicontinuum for Complex Crystals",
    M. Dobson, R. S. Elliott and E. B. Tadmor, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling (MMM-III), Freiburg, Germany, September 18–22, 2006.
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  7. "Electromechanical Coupling in Piezoelectric Multimorphs",
    E. B.Tadmor and G. Kósa, Proceedings of the 29th Mechanical Engineering Conference, Haifa, Israel, May 12–13, 2003.
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  8. "An Efficient Data Structure for Graded Atomistic Simulations",
    E. B. Tadmor, A. K. Agrawal and J. R. Wolberg, Proceedings of the 29th Mechanical Engineering Conference, Haifa, Israel, May 12–13, 2003.
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  9. "Quasi-Atomistic Models of Fracture and Plasticity",
    R. Miller, M. Ortiz, V. Shenoy and E. B. Tadmor,
    in B. L. Karihaloo, Y. W. Mai, M. I. Ripley and R. O. Ritchie (Eds.), Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Fracture, Sydney, Australia, April, 1997.
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  10. "Analysis of Sandwich Structures using ANSYS Layered Elements",
    F. Weinstein and E. B. Tadmor, Proceedings of the ANSYS Fifth International Conference and Exhibition, Pittsburgh, May 20–24, 1991.
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