Research Topic
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Topic: QC3D – Fundamentals of Fracture
Team: Jiadi Fan, Min Shi, Dharamveer Kumar, Steve Whalen, Ellad Tadmor
Collaboration: Woo Kyun Kim (U. Cincinnati), Jorge Vinals (UMN), Jialiang Le (UMN), Dov Sherman (Tel Aviv University)
Funding: National Science Foundation (DMR), Israel Binational Science Foundation
A finite element simulation of mode I fracture in graphene-reinforced epoxy. Bulk finite elements are separated by cohesive elements (shown in blue in the inset) with cohesive laws computed from molecular dynamics.
A variety of techniques are being used to study static and dynamic fracture mechanics from a fundamental atomistic perspective. These include full molecular dynamics, multiscale quasicontinuum, cohesive zone finite elements, and phase field. A range of problems are being studied. Examples incude:
- Nucleation criteria for defects (dislocations and twins) at crack tips studied using quasicontinuum (QC) methods.
- Three dimensional effects on dynamic crack propagation studied using finite temperature QC ("hot-QC").
- Toughening effect of graphene and functionalized graphene on epoxy studied using cohesive finite elements with cohesive laws obtained from molecular dynamics calculations (see image above).
- Phase field methods informed by molecular simulations for brittle crack propagation.
"Molecular Dynamics Predictions of Thermomechanical Properties of an Epoxy Thermosetting Polymer",
J. Fan, A. Anastassiou, C. W. Macosko and E. B. Tadmor,
Polymer, 196, 122477 (2020).
pdf | doi | bibtex
"Rescaling cohesive element properties for mesh independent fracture simulations",
J. Fan and E. B. Tadmor,
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 213, 89–99 (2019).
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"Twin nucleation Mechanisms at a Crack Tip in an HCP Material: Molecular Simulation",
L. Kucherov and E. B. Tadmor,
Acta Materialia, 55, 2065–2074 (2007).
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"A First-Principles Measure for the Twinnability of FCC Metals",
E. B. Tadmor and N. Bernstein,
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 52, 2507–2519 (2004).
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"Tight-binding Calculations of Stacking Energies and Twinnability in FCC Metals",
N. Bernstein and E. B. Tadmor,
Physical Review B, 69, 094116 (2004).
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"A Peierls Criterion for the Onset of Deformation Twinning at Crack Tips",
E. B. Tadmor and S. Hai,
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 51, 765–793 (2003).
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"Deformation Twinning at Aluminum Crack Tips",
S. Hai and E. B. Tadmor,
Acta Materialia, 51, 117–131 (2003).
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"Quasicontinuum Models of Fracture and Plasticity",
R. Miller, M. Ortiz, R. Phillips, V. B. Shenoy and E. B. Tadmor,
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 61, 427–444 (1998).
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"Quasicontinuum Simulation of Fracture at the Atomic Scale",
R. Miller, E. B. Tadmor, R. Phillips and M. Ortiz,
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 6, 607–638 (1998).
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